Quiz App


Criteria Meet Specification

Overall Layout

App contains 4 - 10 questions, including at least one check box, one radio button, and one text entry.

Question types

Questions are in a variety of formats such as free text response, checkboxes, and radio buttons.

Checkboxes are only used for questions with multiple right answers. Radio buttons are only used for questions with a single right answer.

Submit button

App includes a button for the user to submit their answers and receive a score.

Layout best practices

The code adheres to all of the following best practices:

  • Text sizes are defined in sp
  • Lengths are defined in dp
  • Padding and margin is used appropriately, such that the views are not crammed up against each other.

View variety

The app includes at least four of the following Views: TextView, ImageView, Button, Checkbox, EditText, LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, ScrollView, RadioButton, RadioGroup.

If applicable, the app uses nested ViewGroups to reduce the complexity of the layout.


The app gracefully handles displaying all the content on screen when rotated. Either by updating the layout, adding a scrollable feature or some other mechanism that adheres to Android development guidelines.


Criteria Meet Specification

Runtime Errors

The code runs without errors.

Question Answers

Each question has a correct answer.

Radio Button Implementation

Any question which uses radio buttons allows only one to be checked at once.

Control Statements

The app contains at least one if/else statement

Grading Button Function

The grading button displays a toast which accurately displays the results of the quiz.

Grading Logic

The grading logic checks each answer correctly. The app accurately calculates the number of correct answers and does not include incorrect answers in the count.

Note: When applicable, in the grading logic remember to check that the correct answers are checked AND the incorrect answers are not checked.

Code Readability

Criteria Meet Specification

Naming Conventions

All variables, methods, and resource IDs are descriptively named such that another developer reading the code can easily understand their function.


The code is properly formatted i.e. there are no unnecessary blank lines; there are no unused variables or methods; there is no commented out code.
The code also has proper indentation when defining variables and methods.